
Aftercare Instructions for Microblading

Taking care of your new brows is very important to the healing process. Maintaining proper post-care will ensure magnificent appearance and longevity, as well.

A medical grade silicone will be applied to your eyebrows. Do not wet or sweat for 7-10 days. We encourage you to “dry” heal as this will allow your skin to heal with as much pigment possible. If this is your first procedure you will need to touch up your brows in 6 weeks.

The following must be AVOIDED during all 7 days post-microblading procedure:

  • Increased sweating
  • Playing sports
  • Swimming
  • Hot sauna, hot tub & Jacuzzi
  • Sun/salon tanning
  • UV/UVA chemicals (can cause shift in color and premature fading)
  • Laser or chemical sessions/peelings
  • Applying makeup directly on the brows (more info on makeup down below)
  • Usage of creams containing Retin-A or Glycolic Acid on the face
  • Picking, peeling or scratching of the micro-pigmented area in order to avoid scarring of the area or removal of the pigment
  • Performing household tasks that involve heavy cleaning (garage/basement cleaning where there is a lot of airborne debris)
  • Driving in open air vehicles (examples: convertibles, boats, bicycles, or motorcycles)


  1.  If your eyebrows do happen to get wet during the 7-10 day post microblading procedure, be sure to pat them dry. DO NOT RUB.
  2. Do not apply makeup directly on brows while brows are healing. After they are healed (7-10 days, or when the scab/skin flakes off), you may wear brow makeup. No other products should touch the brows during healing period.

What to expect after your Microblading procedure

  • The entire healing process will take 4-6 weeks depending on your body regeneration and age. Your new brows will go through several phases during the healing cycle.
  • The pigment will appear very natural looking immediately after the procedure. The color of the pigment will appear much darker and larger the next day.

Keep in mind that because of natural skin regenerations, after the recovery period (peeling), brows may appear lighter than original. This might give you the impression that the color is fading too quickly, however, this color change is due to the superficial color and dry skin being naturally removed from your eyebrows.

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    Aftercare - Strokes of Genius Microblading