• LED handheld Lightstim for wrinkles $249

    As we age our skin loses its plump youthful appearance allowing fine lines and wrinkles to form.
    LightStim for Wrinkles provides rejuvenating wavelengths of light energy to treat your fine lines and wrinkles.
    Over time by using your Light you can help to recapture that plump youthful appearance.

  • Professional Strength

    LightStim LED Light Therapy devices have been used and recommended by medical spas, estheticians, dermatologists, plastic surgeons, and their clients for over a decade. Now you can experience the same professional strength treatment at home.

  • How to use LightStim for Wrinkles

    Place the Light gently touching your skin and hold it in place for about 3 minutes
    If desired, close the eye nearest to the Light
    Move the Light to a new area
    Repeat until you have treated all desired areas

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    LightStim For Wrinkles - Strokes of Genius Microblading