Does Microblading Your Eyebrows Cause Any Pain Or Discomfort?

By Oct 26, 2021

Do you have thin or light-colored eyebrows and wish that you can somehow thicken them? Or do you suffer from one of the medical conditions that involve eyebrow hair loss such as alopecia? Well, fortunately enough, there is a procedure known as microblading that grants your wish to have thicker and better eyebrows. All you have to do is find a reliable eyebrow microblading service that guarantees high-quality results.

What is microblading?

Some of you might have already heard of microblading but for those who don’t know anything about it, microblading may be defined as a semi-permanent cosmetic tattoo that is used to fill in thin eyebrows in order to make them appear fuller and thicker, and that too in a natural way. This procedure involves the use of a hand held bladed tool which makes strokes that resemble real hair strokes. 

This tends to provide you with a natural-looking feathery eyebrow that you have been wishing for, and its results can last for as long as 3 years but best to get them done yearly as they fade over time. 

Now, let’s address the elephant in the room, that is, does this procedure hurt or not? 

Well, as the name of the procedure suggests, microblading is a procedure that involves having several tiny cuts made on your brow line. Just like a tattoo, all these tiny cuts tend to break the skin in order to fill it with a pigment. Most of the practitioners use an anesthetic before starting the procedure and numb the area completely. So, rather than feeling the pain from the cutting of the blade, you are more likely to feel just the pressure of the microblading tool that would be on your face, or you might only feel a scratching sensation every now and then.

However, if no anesthetic is used, the pain can be a whole lot worse, especially if you have low pain tolerance. To put it into words, the procedure might feel like something is scratching your skin constantly. Hence, it is important that you discuss the use of an anesthetic with your practitioner before beginning the procedure.

Some things to keep in mind before your appointment

• You should make sure to avoid tanning or sunbathing for a few days prior to the procedure.

• You should not indulge in laser sessions, chemical peels, or any other facial sessions a few weeks before your appointment.

• On the day of the procedure, make sure to avoid alcohol and caffeine and other blood thinners. 

• A week prior stop using Retin-A 

By keeping in mind these steps and following them till the day of your procedure, you are likely to feel way less pain or irritation during your appointment.

Microblading Aftercare: How to Care for Your Eyebrows after Microblading Treatment

By Oct 08, 2021

Microblading aftercare plays a key role in how your microblading eyebrows would turn up after the healing is complete. Would they be a total disaster or a blessing? This question keeps coming into the mind of women after they receive the microblading session. If you too have recently signed up for the eyebrow microblading service and undergone the session, then you certainly need this microblading post care guide.

Our Guide to Eyebrow Microblading Aftercare

No contact with water, lotion, soap, or makeup

First of all, you need to make sure that your eyebrow area must not come into contact with water, lotion, soap, or any makeup product during the first 7-10  days after the microblading procedure. Healing time varies from person to person. Could be shorter or longer span. 

Thus, whenever you want to wash your face, be extra careful. When taking a shower, keep the showerhead away from your face. Alternatively, you can take a bath in a bathtub or use a bucket and mug for cleansing to ensure that water doesn’t get in touch with your eyebrow area.

No touching, picking or scratching on the treated brow area

Itching and flaking may appear during the first week of the post microblading procedure. It is strictly recommended to avoid picking or scratching. Otherwise, you may end up pulling off scabs prematurely that can lead to patchy results or evens scarring.  

Avoid Certain Activities Post Microblading Procedure

For at least two weeks, you should avoid any activity that puts strain on your brow and head area or causes sweating or increased blood flow in that area. Some of the activities that might not be safe for your eyebrows during the initial days after microblading are:

• Strenuous exercises that cause sweating

• Practicing sports or games

• Swimming

• Hot sauna, hot bath, or Jacuzzi

• Sun tanning or salon tanning

• Exposure to UV/UVA rays

• Exposure to chemicals

• Picking, peeling, or scratching in the treated area

• Household tasks, such as intensive cleaning, in areas where there is a lot of dirt or airborne debris

• Drinking alcohol because it may lead to slow healing of wounds

• Driving in open vehicles that expose you to air, such as convertibles, boats, bicycles, or motorcycles

• Any laser sessions, chemical sessions, peelings, or any creams that contain Retin-A or glycolic acid on the session area

• Touching the treated area (use cotton swab when applying ointment or clean it from the brow area)

In case you happen to face any problem or unexpected issue with the healing after using eyebrow microblading service, please don’t hesitate or wait to consult your microblading artist to discuss further instructions. If you follow the microblading aftercare instructions properly and don’t do any activity that might affect the treated brow area, then you are least likely to experience any problem regarding healing of your microblading eyebrows.

Top Three Permanent Makeup Trends Women Must Be Aware of in 2021

By Aug 05, 2021

Being beautiful is a subjective term; its meaning varies from one person to another. While every woman is beautiful in her own right, enhancing facial features is something that gives women more confidence and makes them feel better about themselves. So, if you are someone who loves to stay on top of cosmetic beauty trends, you have come to the right place.

We have reached the mid of 2021 and what we are noticing from social media and personal assessment is that permanent makeup is all the rage these days. After being cooped for more than a year in homes, women are showing more interest in permanent makeup to lift their spirits and have more reasons to smile.

Today, we are going to share the top three permanent makeup trends that can enhance your overall look and leave you rejuvenated.

Eyebrow Microblading – for fuller and beautiful eyebrows

The number of requests for eyebrow microblading is growing each year significantly. Your eyebrows are the part of your face that you and people around you notice subconsciously. While short, thin, and sparse eyebrows don’t make that much impression, finely shaped, thicker, and fuller eyebrows transform your look substantially. Although microblading is semi-permanent makeup, people usually call it permanent because of its effects that last for around 12 months or more.

During the microblading procedure, an artist draws the shape and transfers the pigments through a handheld device equipped with several micro-needles (as discussed before the procedure). Once your eyebrows are healed, you will have insta-worthy, beautiful eyebrows that enhance your overall facial appearance.

Worried about pain? To make you feel super comfortable and relaxed, artists use topical numbing creams so that you don’t feel pain during the procedure. To ensure proper healing, artists also provide some aftercare instructions.  

So, if you are dissatisfied with your current eyebrows, you can consult with a certified and experienced microblading artist near you.

Lip Blushing – for plumper lips with the shade of your choice

The recent addition to trending permanent makeup is lip blushing. Lip blushing is the right makeup choice for all women who want to color-correct their lip, fine-tune their lip shape, or make their lips fuller. Unlike fillers, lip blushing not only adds volume to your lips but also adds the desired color.

Since lips are naturally more sensitive than any other body parts, artists apply numbing cream before the procedure and also recommend taking prescribed medication to prevent the possibility of cold sores. Lip blushing procedure makes your lip naturally beautiful and also helps cover any imperfections. If you are also obsessed with over-lining your lips and making them beautiful, you should also explore this amazing option.

Permanent Eyeliner – to wake up with the perfect eyeliner look

Permanent eyeliner is for those who want to get rid of all the troubles they face while using eyeliner every day. During this procedure, an artist will place pigments on your lashline to recreate the look of eyeliner. Similar to microblading and lip blushing, it also doesn’t last forever; however, can keep your worries for months. Good aftercare goes a long way when it comes to healing after undergoing the procedure.

If you are someone who doesn’t want to deal with eyeliner every single day or is sensitive to regular makeup, you might be the right candidate for permanent eyeliner.

It’s no doubt that most women splurge a big amount of money on a variety of cosmetic products and still don’t achieve the look they want all time. When you say ‘I want to wake up with this perfect look every day’, the above permanent makeup procedures make the best choice for you.

Microblading: An Effective Procedure to Give You the Desired Results

By Jun 18, 2021

We feel more confident and carry it into every part of our life when we are happy with our appearance. When you feel and look good, it does wonders for your emotional and mental condition.

Microblading is one such technique that can help give the eyebrow you have always wanted. Whether you want a different color, a bolder look, fuller eyebrows, or anything in between, eyebrow microblading service is the right solution.  

How Does Microblading Work?

The microblading process is straightforward. Firstly, you need to have an initial consultation with a specialist. They can help determine:

  1. The best eyebrow shape for you
  2. The color that goes with your hair color
  3. The undertone of your skin

The entire microblading procedure will take 1.5 hours. The professional will thoroughly clean the brow area and then numb it. usually the pain is minimal to nothing. Then the specialist will draw a shape that you approve. Then, a specialist will use a hand-held manual tool to cut tiny hair strokes in your brow skin and fill them with pigment.

Is the Procedure Painful?

In order to keep the pain to a minimum, the professional will numb the targeted area throughout the process. Well, everyone is different. If you’re more sensitive, you may experience a minimal amount of temporary discomfort. Others may not experience pain at all.

How Long Does Microblading Results Last?

Microblading is deemed to be semi-permanent. You should return for a follow-up appointment about 6 weeks after the initial appointment. The microblading can last anywhere from one year to three years. It is better to go to go for your annul session  every year to maintain the look.

There are several reasons people choose microblading to get the best results:

  • Saves Plenty of Morning Routine Time

Most of us spend too much time getting ready in the morning. Many people want to spend that time doing something else, more productive. With microblading, you don’t have to waste your time making sure your eyebrows are on-point, looking perfect.

  • Remedy Hair Loss from Medical Conditions

Conditions like chemotherapy and alopecia can cause hair loss. Microblading is a great solution to offer those who suffered from hair loss a natural-looking eyebrow.

  • No Stress About Smudges

One of the best things about microblading is that it doesn’t smudge or smear. You can do exercise, swimming, and sweat without the need to reapply your make-up.

  • Safe procedure and Low-Maintenance

Microblading is a safe procedure. When done by a specialist, you will experience minimal discomfort during the procedure.

Because microblading lasts a minimum of a year, it is low maintenance. You don’t need daily touchups.

  • Change of Color

Unlike tattoos, your eyebrows will not change color in microblading. Over time, they will lighten due to loss of saturation. But you don’t have to worry about embarrassing color changes.

If you want to feel your best at any age and receive the highest quality care, look for an established eyebrow microblading service.

Get All Your Doubts Cleared Before Undergoing Eyebrow Microblading Procedure

By May 20, 2021

If you want to use the eyebrow microblading service, you most probably have researched what benefits you will enjoy after microblading your eyebrows. However, some doubts might also be growing in your mind and preventing you from making the final move. Since the effect of microblading lasts anywhere between 10 months to 2 years, all your doubts associated with eyebrow microblading must be eliminated.

So, let’s check out the answers to a few questions that will help you become more confident about eyebrow microblading.

Does microblading ruin your natural eyebrows? Does it inhibit the growth of natural eyebrows?

No, eyebrow microblading service will neither ruin your natural eyebrows nor inhibit their natural growth. Microblading is a semi-permanent procedure to get a fuller, thicker, and finely shaped eyebrow look through hair-like strokes made by the artisan with the help of several micro-needles. Eyebrow microblading is a great option if you have sparse eyebrows, over plucked them, or have no brows at all.

This procedure doesn’t have any kind of lasting effect on the way your natural brows grow even if you want to reshape the entire eyebrow. In the same way, this procedure also does not stimulate hair growth. So, if you are one of those people who want to try a new look with your eyebrows or simply want natural-looking fuller eyebrows, eyebrow microblading service is for you.

Do eyebrows grow back after going through microblading?

As mentioned above, microblading is an eyebrow shaping technique to create a fuller look-and-feel in sparse brows. It doesn’t involve hair removal. Instead, this method adds hair strokes where there are none naturally. In short, it doesn’t have any effect on average brow hair growth.

When you scroll through any social media app or site to check the results of eyebrow microblading, you will see endless images of bold, beautiful, and fuller eyebrows. While most women desire to have perfect eyebrows, they also don’t want to take any risks with this important facial feature.

Are there any cons of eyebrow microblading?

To be honest, there is nothing to fear if you are the right candidate for eyebrow microblading and you have chosen an experienced, certified, and skilled eyebrow microblading artist. Usually, there are cons of microblading mostly when you are unlucky enough to choose an inexperienced artist.

The eyebrow microblading procedure is done with a blade that consists of several micro-needles. While making strokes, this blade cuts into the skin to deposit the pigments. Based on the sparseness of an individual’s eyebrows, one session may require hundreds of strokes to be made.

If the person who is doing microblading is not well-trained, they might cut too deep or skip important sterilization steps which can lead to infection. This is the worst-case scenario one can face.

That’s why we always recommend you to use eyebrow microblading service at only reputed beauty salons where microblading artists have received the proper qualifications in this field, microblading certification, blood borne pathogen certification, and have earned rich experience. You don’t have to worry as long as you have made the right choice of microblading artist.

Three different ways to get Thicker Eyebrows

By Mar 09, 2021

It’s no secret that we all love perfectly shaped eyebrows and how they beautifully enhance our look. No matter if you are a busy working woman or a housewife, having bold beautiful eyebrows makes you feel good about your appearance, which in turn, increases your confidence. Sadly, not every woman can claim that she has fuller and thicker brows in the desired shape. To make brows look perfect, you either need to rely on your daily brow makeup or make frequent visits to your salon.

Today, we will talk about natural remedies and beauty sessions that can help you flaunt stronger and thicker eyebrows.

1. Use suitable oil to nourish your eyebrows

Oils are counted as the oldest and most effective remedy to get thicker eyebrows. Oils, such as castor oil, tea tree oil, almond oil, and olive oil are known to be enriched with nutrients like proteins, fatty acids, antioxidants, and vitamins. Therefore, these oils are known to stimulate eyebrow hair growth and increase brow hair thickness.

Massaging oil into your eyebrows with your fingertips helps in nourishing your brow hair follicles. Oil massaging can ensure that each hair strand of your eyebrow is thick and strong. Wait for at least half an hour or leave it for the night (based on which oil you are using) and then remove the oil with warm water or makeup remover. You can also use aloe vera to promote hair growth in your eyebrows. With this remedy, you need patience to see significant results.

2. Apply Eyebrow Growth Serum

Alternatively, you can apply eyebrow growth serum that contains peptide complex, fortifying proteins, vitamins, and nourishing ingredients that condition your brow hair. Using eyebrow growth serum daily will support the natural hair renewal cycle of your eyebrows. Within a month, you should be able to see a difference in the amount and strength of brow hairs.

3. Eyebrow Microblading Session

Are you tired of trying different kinds of remedies but still didn’t get desired results? Do you want to enhance your brow look instantly? Do you want to wake up every morning with a perfect eyebrow look? If yes, then you should seek eyebrow microblading services to get the desired brow look.

This session is perfect for all those individuals who have sparse and thin eyebrows and also for those who have thicker eyebrows but not in good shape. Your eyebrow artist will discuss which brow shape and shade will suit your face the best and once things are in agreement, they start the procedure.

During this procedure, the artist will use a special tool with microneedles to etch the pigment underneath your brow skin while drawing precise hair strokes to get a long-lasting fuller and beautiful eyebrow effect.

With scheduled follow-ups and best practices, you can enjoy the new look of your eyebrow for about 1 to 2 years. The session may sound expensive at first but when you will compare it with long-term benefits and the convenience you enjoy, the session cost will seem worth it.

Even if your chosen oil or serum won’t work for you, eyebrow microblading is something that you can rely on to get natural-looking thicker and perfectly-shaped eyebrows.

5 Frequently Asked Questions Related To the Eyebrow Microblading Services

By Jun 25, 2020

Microblading is a tattooing technique that creates an illusion of fuller brows. If you think fewer hairs in your brows are spoiling your facial appearance, you should surely go for the eyebrow microblading service. After the process is complete, you will get beautiful natural looking brows.

In the process, the microblading experts use a hand held tool with which they draw hair strokes. The tool has a very fine blade attached to it that is used to draw individual strokes one by one with pigment. The process is safe and the results are great.

 But, still, there are a few frequently asked questions related to eyebrow microblading service and people wish to get the answers of the same for further clarification about the process.

 Question 1#

Is microblading a tattooing process or semi permanent?

Answer: Microblading is a semi-permanent tattooing process that lasts for a year or two. The durability of the process depends on person to person and the after-care process. If the microblading expert has efficiently performed the procedure, the effect will stay for at least one year. It also makes a big difference on whether the client has oily skin or not. Also, your after-care steps and lifestyle play a major role in deciding the lifetime of the technique.

Question 2#

Is microblading painful?

Answer: The process may be a bit painful for some and for some they get numb! After the procedure is complete client goes back to normal with little to no side effects. To combat the pain during the process, the microblading experts apply topical local anaesthesia and numb the area as well as one that goes into the skin after the procedure starts. Goal is to get the client as comfortable as possible.

Question 3#

Are there any side-effects of microblading?

Answer: There are no such side-effects of microblading because it’s a non-surgical process. The experts go from the epidermis to the dermis layer of the skin to deposit the pigments. In case you have skin issues and other health issues, you should inform the experts. By the way, the microblading specialists often conduct a consultation before the procedure with the clients to know the personal and health details.

Question 4#

Who are eligible for the microblading process?

Answer: Anyone facing the problem of eyebrow thinning due to age, hormonal imbalance, hereditary, or other health issues can go for the microblading process. Even if you are not suffering from any health problem but wish to get bold brows or even the shape out you can book an appointment for this amazing service. There is no restriction on age or gender generally, Most places do require that if you are at least 18 years or younger you be accompanied by an adult.The only thing that one should be careful with is if they are undergoing chemotherapy, keloids, lupus, autoimmune diseases, organ transplant etc. for an entire list of things not suitable for microblading visit for more info.

Question 5#

How long does it take to complete the procedure?

Answer: The procedure takes upto 2 hours at the first session and upto one hour at touch up. When you come in you will fill out paperwork and numb with a topical numbing agent. Then the artist will draw, measure, and design a shape that is most suitable for your individual face. Then the procedure starts where the artist will draw the outer strokes of the brow to get the skin open for the second numbing agent. A rough estimate is given to clients. All clients should not be rushed if the time exceeds as the artist tries to complete the procedure.

We hope you got the answer to the questions that frequently run in your mind related to eyebrow microblading service.

5 Tips to Choose the Right Microblading Artist

By Jun 23, 2020

Microblading is a form of cosmetic tattooing or a semi-permanent tattoo technique that gives a real and natural look to your brow. Most women are fed up with less hair in their eyebrows because it spoils the look of their face. They use makeup products to give a bold look and make it a fuller eyebrow. But, unfortunately, the makeup stays for a shorter period.

To ease women with such an issue, microblading came into the picture. Under this, microblading experts use a thin blade made up of tiny needles to create small hair-like strokes/cuts into the skin with pigment. Then they apply pigment into the cuts to mimic the look of the individual and natural hair. Unlike eyebrow makeup, microblading lasts for a long time. It is smudge-proof and waterproof!

It is important to find a reputable Microblading artist. One who knows what they are doing. Here are a few tips that you should keep in your mind:

Check the license and certification– It’s just a tattooing technique, but, still, the microblading artist that you hire should have a valid license to run the business. In most of the countries, microblading is a regulated business. If they do not possess the same, you should look for another option.

Also, the expert must have specific microblading training along with the certificates. It’s not about other tattoo techniques; it requires specific details to complete the process with efficiency.


  • Knowledge of the microblading artist- The certificates will not define the in-depth knowledge of the microblading expert. Sometimes, the theoretical learning is not enough to prove that the person is knowledgeable. You should ask several questions with them and note their response on the same. If they are hesitant or under-confident to answer the questions, it means they are not experienced and lack knowledge.
  • Check the reviews of the brow artist – You should check customer’s feedback and know the work quality of the brow artist. Not all need to be true, but a huge percentage of reviews are genuinely given by the customers. Please note: check the reviews on the third-party websites that are free from influencers. If possible, you should try connecting with the previous customers by taking contact details from experts.
  • Analyze the quality of the work– You should ask for the before and after pictures of the procedure. You should study the pictures, analyze the result, and ask questions from the artist related to the picture. You should compare the before and after picture and see how natural the look of the brows are after the session.
  • Enquire about the healed result– People often forget this point when they look for a microblading artist because they do not consider it important. You should ask about the healing process and touch-up session as well.

We hope that the tips mentioned above will help you choose the right microblading artist.

Top Reasons Why You Should Consider Getting Your Eyebrows Microbladed!!

By Sep 24, 2019

Microblading session is basically a cosmetic technique for making semi-permanent, wispy, and light hair strokes on your eyebrow ridge to give it a look of your natural eyebrow. This session can also be considered as a form of eyebrow tattoo, however, unlike most tattoos, it is almost unnoticeable. And when done in the right way, microblading can maintain its original appearance for up to 2 to 3 years in some cases.

Besides, there are many people out there who are reluctant to go for microblading for their eyebrows. They are not sure if this session is safe for them or not. But, if you are looking for that last push to achieve the eyebrows of your dreams, then wait no more. Here are the major reasons to schedule an appointment with a microblading artist to get the brows you’ve always dreamt of.

1.    Saves time:

If you spend hours perfecting your eyebrows then you’re certainly wasting lots of time just on getting your brows done. It might really not seem like a lot, however, in reality, that’s hours of time that you are spending. The good news is- with microblading session you only have to spend two or fewer hours total on your eyebrows and that too in the span of two years. Isn’t it great? After your microblading session, all you need is a few rounds of touch-ups, and you’re done.

2.    No recovery time:

Perhaps, one of the best parts of a microblading session is the fact that its end result can be shown off immediately once the procedure is completed. So, there is no issue about having to wear those bandages over swollen eyebrows or have inflamed skin until things heal. You could easily walk out of the salon flaunting your new eyebrows. Besides, if for some reasons, you are not satisfied with it then the final result isn’t something you have to literally live with forever.

3.    Microblading helps to give you back your old eyebrows:

Many people lose their natural eyebrows because of severe medical issues. Hair loss, including the loss of eyebrow hair is a very common consequence of chemotherapy. However, for others, it’s the result of health diseases such as alopecia.  If you consider a microblading session, you’ll come out with natural looking and shaped eyebrows in just a matter of few hours. A professional microblading artist will give you back your original and natural looking brows and no one will ever be able to tell if its natural or microbladed.

4.    The final result of microblading speak for themselves:

What make microblading session so famous among people is the excellent results that can be achieved. With matching color and hair like strokes to create a thick and natural looking brow shape, this session is one of the low maintenance eyebrow procedures that people love. So, now that you know about a few major reasons to get your eyebrows microbladed, it’s time to book an appointment with your microblading artist. However, just make sure that your skin is not sensitive and is ready for the procedure as well.

5 Important Things to Consider Before Going for The Microblading Procedure

By Sep 09, 2019

You must have heard about the microblading procedure from one of your friends. Are you excited to try it out for yourself? Before that, you must learn as much as you can about microblading eyebrow tattoo procedure. Basically, in this procedure, ink is injected between your eyebrow hairs for fuller-looking brows. You must be very careful when choosing a technician who can perform this procedure. Hiring an unqualified technician can cause infections and cuts that will make you regret your decision later on. Here are a few things that you must keep a track of before taking the plunge.

  • Conduct the necessary research.

Although this is a semi-permanent procedure, this does not mean that it cannot harm you. This is why you need to carry out the necessary research in finding the right microblading eyebrow tattoo technician. You must look for someone who is trained and certified. Furthermore, they must also have sufficient experience in serving clients. 

  • Ask to view the work done by the technician.

A good technician will surely be more than willing to share the pictures of work done by them in the past. Looking at their past work will give you an idea about what you can expect from them and whether or not it matches the results that you expect. Most of the reputed artists are active on social media these days from where you can get a glimpse of their work. 

  • Visit a reputed salon.

You must ensure that the salon you have chosen for getting microblading eyebrow tattoo follows all health and safety guidelines outlined for them. You must also ask to see the license to be absolutely sure. Besides this, the technician should use a fresh, single-use blade and fresh ink for individual clients. Do not mess around on this aspect.   

  • Inquire about the procedure.

It is good to be informed about the procedure before it starts. The technician would ideally draw the shape of eyebrows and show it to you for approval. You must also get a test the ink on your skin before going ahead with the procedure. You must specifically ask the technician about the activities that you should refrain from before and after the procedure.

  • Ask for spacing.

A few days after the procedure, you might feel that your brows appear too dense and look unnatural. This mostly happens when the technician does not leave sufficient space between every stroke. Ensure that the technician leaves enough space so that your eyebrows look natural after the procedure. You must also make sure that the technician makes use of good quality ink. It is important for you to follow the aftercare instructions closely so that the brows can heal fully and retain their colour. You must refrain from using makeup, skin creams, and cleansers on your brows for a few days after the microblading eyebrow tattoo procedure. Also, picking at the scabs is a strict no-no.

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