How to Prepare Yourself for a Lip Blushing Session?
Lip blushing sessions have been the hottest trend in recent years and have become the most sought-after cosmetic procedure of all time. This semipermanent cosmetic tattooing procedure involves injecting pigment into your lips with small needles.
However, you have to get ready for a lip blushing session before you actually go for it in order to get the most out of it. In this blog we’ll cover some ways that will help you prepare yourself for a lip blushing session and make sure you’re ready for all your future sessions as well!
Use Lip Scrub before the Session
A good lip scrub is an integral part of preparing your lips for a blushing session. Not only does it get rid of the dead skin, but it also increases blood circulation and removes excess oils.
So to use lip scrub before the session, wet your lips and rub in the scrub until you feel like you have some on all over your lips. Leave it on for about 30 seconds and then rinse off with water.
Avoid Applying Make Up
It is not recommended to apply make up before the session. This can lead to uneven pigments, skin irritation, and an unpleasant experience. If you are wearing make up, it is best to remove lips make up especially lipsticks before the session.
Remove any foundation or other products. Wash your face with warm water and pat dry your skin with a clean towel. Apply hydrating moisturizer if desired.
Use Lip Balms
It is recommended that you use lip balms as often as possible, especially before the session. This will ensure that your lips are always soft and hydrated.
If you have dry skin or if it is winter time, then you might want to apply a thicker layer of lip balm in order to avoid any cracks on the surface of your lips during the session.
Drink Plenty of Water
Drinking plenty of water is the most important thing you can do to prepare yourself for lip blushing. It will keep your skin looking fresh and hydrated, which in turn will make your lips look plumper.
You might need to get up every half hour or so at first, but you’ll soon find that you’re less thirsty and more focused on what’s going on with your lips.
Eat Before the Session
Make sure you eat something before the session. You may be hungry or thirsty after the session and this will help keep your energy up. Also the session might take 2-3 hours thus make sure you are full before the session.
Take Anti Virals
If you have had any cold sores or fever blisters in the past, it is important to take anti-virals prescription medicines like VALTRAX at least 2-3 days before your session. This will reduce the risk of getting an infection from the blusher.
In conclusion, keep your face relaxed and your lips moist during the lip blushing process. Prepare your body for the procedure by drinking a glass of water to hydrate your skin.