Can Lip Blushing Make Lips Bigger?
Lip blushing is one of the newest trends grabbing everyone’s attention in Orlando. You may have heard about this interesting beauty procedure, but you might be curious about whether it can increase the size of your lips. Lets find out if lip blush treatment in Orlando can actually give you bigger lips
Lip Blushing Treatment in Orlando
Lip blushing has become a very popular cosmetic procedure lately. It involves coloring the lips with semi-permanent pigment to give them a soft, natural-looking tint. This method is mostly used to improve the lips’ color, shape, and definition. But can it actually make your lips appear bigger?
The Illusion of Fuller Lips
Lip blushing can give the illusion of bigger lips, but it is not going to increase the size of your lips. How does it create the illusion? Let’s break it down.
Improve Lip Color:
One of the main purposes of lip blushing is to improve the natural color of your lips. By choosing a shade that matches your skin tone and features, you can make your lips appear more attractive and noticeable.
Lip Border Definition:
Lip blushing also involves outlining and defining the borders of your lips. This can create a crisp and well-defined lip line, giving the illusion of fuller lips.
Increasing Depth:
The skilled artist performing blush lip tattoo in Orlando uses various shading techniques to add depth and dimension to your lips. This can make them look plumper and more voluminous.
The Natural Lip Blushing in Orlando
You are in luck if you want a natural look. The natural lip blushing technique has been perfected by Orlando’s beauty experts. This method focuses on making your lips look better while keeping your appearance understated and subtle.
The color selection and application method are important for creating a natural lip blush. To make sure that the enhancement matches the rest of your facial features, the coloring should closely match the color of your lips. Instead of making drastic changes, the focus is on improving your beautiful features.
Strokes of Genius Microblading: Lip Blushing Cost in Orlando
If you are wondering how much lip blushing can cost you, let us help you with that too.
At Strokes of Genius Microblading, you can get lip blushing done for $500 to $650. Our skilled artist will make sure that you get exactly what you are looking for.
While lip blushing cannot make your lips bigger, it can give them a fuller appearance without any fillers. Strokes of Genius Microblading can give you the best blush lip tattoo in Orlando. Be it that you want to reshape and emphasize your lips while maintaining a natural appearance or want a bolder full lip blush in Orlando, we have got your back. We will give you the lips you dream of.
So don’t wait any longer and head to the Strokes of Genius Microblading website now!
Lip Blush Tattoo in Williamsburg: What to Expect
Ever wish for colors on your lips that just won’t fade or are you tired of applying color lip balm and lipsticks every day? If yes, then it must be time for you to think about lip blushing. So, if you live in Williamsburg, you must be aware of the process, what you can expect and lip blushing cost in Williamsburg if you plan to get a blush lip tattoo in Williamsburg.
We have brought you a comprehensive guide that will help you understand the process of lip blush tattoo in Williamsburg.
What Is Lip Blushing Treatment and How Does It Work?
Lip blushing is a type of semi-permanent tattoo or cosmetic procedure used by those who want to restore the color of their lip border or the lip’s actual substance. Once the patient is healed, these lip blush give very natural looking results. The process of lip blushing is similar to a cosmetic procedure like microblading, which involves manually making tiny slits in the skin that are subsequently filled with ink.
In a lip blush treatment in Williamsburg, a pigment is injected into the lips using a tiny mechanical needle, creating layers of color. According to sources, it can aid with asymmetry as well as be a corrective procedure to help balance out the tone of the lips.
The Process of Lip Blushing in Williamsburg Tattoo Studios
Before getting the tattoo, you’ll visit a qualified tattoo artist known for blush lips in Williamsburg who will listen to your concerns, evaluate the color and form of your natural lips, and assist you in selecting the color that best complements your skin tone. This step is essential to ensuring that you achieve the desired aesthetic.
You should show up to your appointment with clean and makeup-free lips. Your lips will be cleaned by the artist, who will then apply a numbing cream to lessen any pain. The tattooing might start after your lips have become numb.
The tattoo artist will use a specialized instrument and skin-safe inks while performing the procedure. Your lips will be treated accurately and with care, adhering to the outline decided upon during the consultation. Although there may be a minor buzzing or itching sensation, the numbing cream should minimize any pain. Typically, the entire process for lip blush in Williamsburg takes 1-2 hours and could vary from client to client depending and thickness of the lips.
[Also Read: Getting Lip Blush Tattoos in Kissimmee: Pre-Procedure Tips]
Is Lip Blushing Permanent?
Lip blushing can typically last for several years, though your lifestyle can affect how long it lasts. For example, smoking and sun exposure can hasten the fading process. The pigment may also fade more quickly if you have an iron deficiency, are oil-prone, or use a lot of exfoliating products in your skin care routine
If you are worried about the pain during the procedure of lip blushing in Williamsburg, you can be given a pain reliever prior to the treatment. However, you are strongly advised not to take ibuprofen, aleve and aspirin, as they can thin the blood.
Is Healing From Lip Blushing Treatment Difficult?
More than session, people are concerned about the lip blushing healing process. The session only takes 45 to 60 minutes. But, the healing process takes a week or more. So, people think this is the challenging part. But, the fact is lip blushing healing is straightforward. You just have to follow the aftercare instructions given by the artist strictly. Any carelessness during the recovery period will be harmful to you and impact the result of the session.
Stages of lip blushing healing process
For the first 24 hours, your lips will be fairly swollen, normally the swelling levels range from mild to moderate. This is why a patch test is done at least 24 hours before the appointment to ensure you aren’t allergic to the ink.
After 2-3 days, the swelling will reduce but the lip blush hue will get a bit darker than it was right after the procedure.
After 3-4 days, your lips will start to flake and scabs will begin to form to recover from the needle-induced wounds. This stage is very similar to that of a traditional tattoo. You shouldn’t peel off the scabs, no matter how tempting it is. This flaking or peeling stage lasts up to a week.
After 5-6 days, the flakiness will start to subside and the color of your lips will get 30 to 50% lighter than they were during and immediately after the session. The pigment might disappear but you shouldn’t worry as it will return a couple of weeks later.
This is what the healing process of the lip blushing session looks like. If you are worried about swelling, you shouldn’t because it’s very common after any cosmetic session. During the session, the tiny wounds provoke your body’s inflammatory response. And thus, your lips begin to produce lymphatic fluid immediately after the session, causing swelling.
What are your responsibilities during the lip blushing healing period?
If you are very much concerned about lip blushing healing, you should follow a few dos and don’ts. These things will surely make the process easy for you.
Things to do:
You should use ice packs to reduce swelling. This will eliminate your discomfort as well as work faster on the swelling. Other than this, you should keep your lips using SPF lip balms. This will reduce dryness and flakiness. Most importantly, you will not be tempted to remove scabs. You need to understand that picking scabs will reopen wounds and make you more susceptible to infections. Most importantly, you should be consistent with your washing and lip hygiene routine.
Things not to do:
You should refrain from activities or using products that could irritate your lips. It’s because lip blushing leaves open wounds that are vulnerable to infection. You should avoid sun exposure, intense exercise, swimming, saunas, and any sweat-inducing practice. Other than this, you should skip spicy food, soups, and hot beverages for at least 48 hours after the session. Also, you should prevent eating acidic, oily, or salty food items and drinking alcohol. Lip makeup should also be avoided.
Lip blushing healing is not as challenging as it seems. Or you can say it’s nothing compared to other facial sessions. You just need to understand the stages and follow the aftercare instructions given by your artist.