7 Reasons Why Saline Tattoo Removal Is Better Than Laser Removal

By Sep 22, 2022

If you have any unwanted tattoos, then you probably know the struggle of finding an affordable and effective solution to getting rid of them for good. Most people typically decide between laser tattoo removal and saline tattoo removal, but what’s the difference between these two sessions?

While laser tattoo removal only affects the top layer of skin, saline tattoo removal gets to the ink deep under your skin, which results in fewer sessions, fewer side effects, and better overall results. To learn more about why saline tattoo removal is better than laser removal, keep reading!

More Effective

Saline tattoo removal has been shown to be more effective than laser removal, with greater accuracy and a better rate of skin clearing.

Laser removal can result in prolonged redness, blistering and burning; while saline tattoo removal is generally mild and includes less pain or discomfort.

Saline tattoo removal has been clinically proven to be more effective on tattoos that are newer than two years old and located in areas of low ink density.

Remove all Color of Ink

Saline tattoo removal can remove any color ink, including white which laser cannot remove. Unlike laser tattoo removal which can leave a scar if the tattoo is very dark, saline only leaves your skin feeling refreshed and hydrated once the healing is complete.

Less or No Pain

Saline also doesn’t require any pain killers or numbing creams, meaning there’s no recovery time like you would with laser removal.

Allows Re-Tattooing

One of the best benefits of saline tattoo removal over laser removal is that it allows you to re-tattoo the area. Re-tattooing with a related or nearby design can be an aesthetically-pleasing way to cover up an old tattoo, but also changes how someone feels about a past event. However, tattoos that have been removed by laser removal might not be able to be re-tattooed; hence, the person is left with no option.

Shorter Session Time

Compared to laser removal, saline tattoo removal sessions can be completed in a fraction of the time. The numbing process is generally quick and the artist should begin working on your skin right away. It takes relatively less time to remove a tattoo with saline solution. On the other hand, due to laser’s lengthy healing process, you may end up with multiple sessions.

Less Invasive

If you are looking forward for a less invasive method to get rid of unwanted tattoo, saline tattoo removal is the best option for you. Saline solution makes an ideal and better choice for its minimally invasive approach when it comes to removing tattoo ink, compared to laser.


Saline Tattoo Removal is a great alternative to lasers. If you are looking for the best tattoo removal solutions, you should consider saline tattoo removal, especially if you have dark tattoos or tattoos with hard-to-match colors.

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    7 Reasons Why Saline Tattoo Removal Is Better Than Laser Removal - Strokes of Genius Microblading