Saline Tattoo Removal: Healing Timeline and Aftercare Procedure
Tattoos are one of the most creative ways to express ourselves. You may have liked the ink when you first got it, but for whatever reason, you want it removed now. With so many tattoo removal methods available, it’s easy to become overwhelmed. When it comes to tattoo removal, there are several factors to consider, such as the cost of removal, the method that hurts the least, and protection from scarring and pigmentation. Saline Tattoo Removal can be your saviour here!
Tattoo removal is accomplished with a properly produced saline solution like A+ ocean and a coil or rotary tattoo machine in this procedure.
The Procedure:
The artist will go over the tattoo in the same way it was performed, but instead of ink, the produced saline solution will be implanted into the skin. Because the solution is hypertonic, the pigment is drawn to the skin’s surface. With laser treatments, fading and eradication will take multiple sessions. Typically, it takes an expert no more than 30-45 minutes to complete a task with saline tattoo removal procedure.
The Safest Option
When Saline Tattoo removal is done in the same way the tattoo was applied, with a natural, non-toxic, non-acidic solution like A+ ocean, the chances of skin and bodily harm are reduced in contrast to other techniques.
Saline removal is the most secure and healthy way of tattoo removal.
Prepare For Your Appointment
A patch test is not often required for removal. The only exception to this is if you have allergies or a darker skin tone. Darker skin tones are more prone to hyperpigmentation. This means that when the skin is broken, it might become substantially darker or lighter than normal.
- Do not go for a tan for several weeks before your visit
- Do not exercise on the day of your treatment.
- You must avoid Retin-A or Retinols for 7 days before your appointment and refrain from using them on or near the area for 30 days afterward.
- People who are pregnant or breastfeeding are not advised to receive this treatment.
Healing Timeline and Aftercare Process
The following is a timeline for the saline tattoo removal healing process:
On the day of your procedure: The affected area is painful and may feel burnt. It may appear red and bloated.
First several days: The region will scab over during the first few days.
One week later: The wound is still scabbed over.
Two weeks later: The scab has most likely fallen off two weeks later. As it heals, the skin remains pink or discolored and appears fragile.
One month later: The skin returns to normal.
Two months later: The region has ideally entirely healed and is ready for the next session.
- Avoid covering the area (unless you work in a place with a higher risk of infection, like a hospital).
- While the region heals, let it heal alone. It should not be washed or picked at.
- Lotions and soaps should be avoided.
- Keep the area away from direct sunlight.
- Avoid activities that produce sweating and submerging the affected area in water until the scab has entirely fallen off.
- Allow the scab to fall off naturally.
- After the scab has fallen off, apply vitamin E oil as suggested by your specialist.
If you want your tattoo to be removed, make an appointment with Strokes of Genius today to receive the professional Saline Tattoo Removal treatment!